
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Who we worked with:
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
What we did:

Brand Strategy Design Build Improve Experience design

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) is an independent office of Parliament. Their role is to maintain or improve the quality of the New Zealand environment by providing robust independent advice that influences decisions.

We collaborated with PCE & followed a deeply design-led approach to move from their outdated site to one which is mobile-friendly, engaging and easy-to-use. We centred the experience on the user’s information seeking goals.

The PCE online presence is a critical vehicle in disseminating information, however prior to the website redevelopment, the site was well passed its ‘used-by-date‘ both from a design and technology perspective - where findability, access to information via mobile devices and content management was not in line with modern website conventions.

The CMS was clunky and templates were inflexible making maintenance of an ever-evolving digital eco-system almost impossible. The document repository which stored all the PCE reports was not logical and important documents were being buried deep within the information structure without the ability to resurface them for easy access.

The newly architected site was complimented with the creation of a refreshing & relevant digital brand.

Visually we crafted a digital identity that reflected the authority & credibility of PCE, whilst providing a cohesive & intuitive navigation system focussed on clear, appealing and easy-to-find information. Colours inspired by the New Zealand environment have been used to form core navigational pathways. These colours work seamlessly with carefully curated environmental imagery.

In a digital landscape of lowest common denominator cookie cutter government websites, the new PCE site has been received positively. In addition to functioning extremely well for an internal & external audience, it has been applauded for its easy-to-use and its modern and desirable appearance.

The new site has been well received & seen a massive increase in usage following launch.


A sympathetic visual identity

The primary focus of delivering robust independent advice to influence & inform Government's decisions was supported through the creation of a visually striking, yet sympathetic & professional, visual identity.

Getting out of the way

The central concept during the UX phase was to ensure that the entire site was centred around the users' information seeking goals.

Carefully curated imagery

To complete the digital branding, we carefully curated a suite of hero imagery, each associated with a section within the site architecture.

 “The visual impact and ease of use of the PCE website made accessing material a real pleasure.”

Unsolicited feedback from a site visitor